Marathi Navra Bayko
vegvegalya shretratil purhsanchya bayka navrya barobar bhandtana, kay udgar kadhtil .. ?
pilotchi bayko .... "gelas udat"
mantryachi bayko ... "pure jhale tumchi aashavasana"
shishkachi bayko ... "mala nako shikavu"
rangrayachi bayko ..."thobad rangavin"
dhobyachi bayko ... "changli dhulad karin"
sutarachi bayko..."thokun saral karin"
tel vikryatachi bayko... "gelat tel lavat"
nhvayachi bayko .. "kesane galla kaplat ka ho majha"
dentist chi bayko .. "dat todun hatat dein"
shipyachi bayko..."mala shivalas tar yaad rakh"
abhinetyachi bayko ..."kashala nataka kartay?"
vanyachi bayko ... "nustya pudya sodu naka"
railway driverchi bayko .." aali ka gadi rulavar"
computer eenginerchi bayko .."tula delete karun takeen"
managerchi bayko mhanen..""tumhala barobar manage karte"
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